This is the first, real, honest to goodness farm fresh egg ever gifted from the girlies here. Never had chickens before so this egg was special. And yes, tasted sooo good!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Some Highlights of 2009
This is the first, real, honest to goodness farm fresh egg ever gifted from the girlies here. Never had chickens before so this egg was special. And yes, tasted sooo good!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Joey 1987 (?)- 2009 brain tumor

Otto 2008-2009 loss to Feline Leukemia
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Squirrel and Chickens
Monday, December 28, 2009
It's a compromise.
As you can see in the pictures the dog is pretty small. I worried that the donkeys or horses or Patti Cake the mini mule would hurt the dog since he would run behind them or sit next to them. He never actually chased them, but one kick or one step and that would be the end of that. There has been two animals the dog has chased. One was Inger my favorite chicken and the other was Goat one of our cats. Well, Goat I believe has cured the dog from chasing cats. Good girl Goat. And as for Inger, I cured that. Little dog got a swift kick ( no not hard) in his little rear end. Haven't seen the dog chase chickens or cats now.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Another Small Step Forward
Until next time......................................
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Just a Little Bit
Monday, December 21, 2009
Darn it!
Today I had to make the 'big decision' concerning one of our dogs.
She had cancer. It took her sight so we became her eyes.
So this morning the decision was made to let her go peacefully. One day of watching her be that uncomfortable was enough to know that the time had come.
I believe whole heartedly that it is about the quality of life, not the quantity.
As you all very well know making the 'big decision' is a tough one, but when you know in your heart it is the right one, you make it.
Rest in peace Chicken Dog. 1999-2009. See ya' on the other side.
Until next time...........................
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Grounded Chickens!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Then the more I watched it and went to their web site I realized that they not only stepped up to the plate for cruelty and abuse, they step up and help their fellow man/woman care for the animals that they have. One episode showed the guys helping a veteran (who was in the hospital). They went and got the veteran's dogs, found them a temporary home so the dogs would be cared for until the owner was released from the hospital and could care for their dogs again.
I started thinking this morning that we can all help someone who is having a hard time feeding, caring for, etc.... their animals. Maybe your neighbor would appreciate a bag of grain for their horses. Or a bale of hay.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
I was watching the donkeys being the individuals that they are.
Cookie, the pretty longear on the right of the above picture, is a bit different than the other longears here. She is always in your face. Has to see what you are doing all the time. Nothing fazes her. And I mean nothing.
When I am cleaning the stalls some of the donks have to come in and see what I am doing ( yeah, like it isn't something they haven't seen done before!) Well, they get in the way and I shoo them out. And they leave.
Cookie on the other hand just looks at me and stands there. Not budging.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Sheets of ICE!!!!!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Is it Snow? Or Freezing Rain? Hmmmm
"Is it over with yet out there" asks Stew Pot.
This wacky weather had Little Inger confused so she kept 'talking' to me telling me she wanted 'up'. So I carried her around while I took some pics. All the while she is 'talking'. One of these days I am going to learn chicken language!
Until next time...................