
Monday, December 27, 2010

Helping one another

When we rented the house we live in now, there are two heat alternatives. One is the oil furnace, but at over three dollars a gallon, well, not an option. The second is the fireplace. Naturally the fireplace was chosen for the only heat source.
Just before we moved in we found a wood stove listed on Craigslist for fifty dollars. Definitely in the price range that was affordable. Come to find out the folks we bought the wood stove from were in the process of being foreclosed on, so they had to get rid of as much stuff as possible. Having just gone through it, words of advice were given as well as advice on how to sell on EBay. They knocked off ten dollars from the price of the stove. And they gave us a pile of seasoned wood! Sweet!   

The little wood stove has been heating the house fairly okay.

Now that the colder temps are here, the little wood stove isn't able to keep the house warm enough. So it was time to search for another one. On Craigslist there was an ad that had been on for about a week. After crunching numbers, doing without a few things, the phone call was made to go look at it.
When we arrived we knew right away it would be perfect. The question was asked if the price was firm. The guy said it depends. He wanted to know if it was going to be resold at a profit. After a quick laugh we told him no. Briefly explained the losing of the house, trying to find a place that would rent that would accept animals, etc..
He laughed and told us that a year ago he and his family lost their house. They had to be out on December 24th! As we stood there talking, he asked if we could afford half the asking  price of the stove. With our jaws hanging, we said yes and a huge thank you. I came within in a millisecond of crying.
Then we got to talking about now is the time to start helping one another. If one person helps someone, and that person helps someone and so on, we as a community can and will get through these tough times.

As we were about to leave, he said he had something else for us. He walked away and came back with an entire set of fireplace tools! We told him that if he ever needed help with anything, to please call.

Christmas Eve morning we pulled out the little wood stove, installed the 'new' one, lit the fire and the house has been actually warm now! Let me say, the new stove is three times as heavy as the little one!

It was decided that if someone is in need of a wood stove, then the little stove will be given to them at no cost.

Oh, and get this. The guy we bought the stove from had put the wrong phone number on the ad and had just changed it to the correct number that day!

We, meaning all of us, can and will get through this, well, as I refer to it now, " The 2nd Great Depression". The folks who made it through the first one are among those whom I have great admiration and respect.

Don't ever doubt what gesture of kindness from the heart can do for someone!

Until next time.......................


  1. That's exactly the kind of thing that is going to get us all through.

    And it's when we start to do things for others without even thinking about it, that we'll truely be there.

    I'm happy that so soon after your troubles, you are willing to help someone else.

  2. I am so glad you are warm again! That was so nice of the guy to let you have it at half price! Lots of people are going through the same as you, so you don't need to feel lonely! It is a blessing that people are helping one another. Not many are calling this a depression - I am, our money doesn't buy much and we have to be careful with what we have! Aren't you glad you can pay it foreword?

    Have a lovely and warm day!

  3. What a wonderful post! I think if we all went into 2011 with this attitude - life can only get better and better! I say again - so glad I found your blog! Enjoy that fireplace!

  4. Karma works. What a nice gesture he made!

  5. I love helping other people.. Last week there was a guy and his 2 children, buying groceries at our local grocery store.. I noticed he was putting groceries into a cart and keeping some of the groceries on the thingy to buy..(can't think what it's called):( He didn't have enough money to pay for everything he had picked out.
    Well, I went to the cashier and told him to ring them all up and I would pay.. The man and his children were so happy~! Then I told him to get his cart with his paid items (which were few) and we were going to go back through the grocery store and buy more groceries.. Tears went down his cheek and he was so humbled.. He told me he had lost his job and they didn't have any money.. So I bought him more groceries and gave him $20 cash.. Merry Christmas I told him.. He was so thankful.. I love doing this for people.. Hope you find someone that needs your stove... What a blessing you are to someone...

  6. What a lovely heart warming story ! so glad you are nice and cosy now ! fantastic that you can pass some of that generosity and goodwill on !

  7. If there is anything good to come out of this horrid economic time, it may well be the resurgence of neighbor looking after neighbor. And, by neighbor, I don't mean just the people who live next door. I'm glad that you ran into a true neighbor and that you are already thinking about how to pay it forward. Enjoy your warmth.

  8. That's the spirit of Christmas.

  9. and it would nice if we all could keep the Christmas spirit year 'round.

  10. It's amazing how people will help when they know what it is like to be in a similar situation.It's almost instinctive in least I hope it is!

  11. Glad your house is warm and cozy. It's nice to hear such heartwarming tales of people looking out for each other.

  12. This is so true. We will get through this and helping where and when we can will be a huge part of that.

  13. I love your posts. I was taught that you take care of your neighbors and your family and pay it forward when you can. It's nice to see you feel the same way. Too bad, the rest of the world doesn't. Hope you had a good holiday and wish the best for you in the new year. Kelly, Baltimore, MD

  14. enjoyed reading this...we will survive...we will get by...wishing you the best in this new year...


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