Have to cross the river to get into town. This is the Rogue River. It isn't a very good picture. This river is quite beautiful.
Fifteen minutes later we have arrived in town. Well, the first town we have to go to today. This is the Horse Blanket. My fav store for horse tack. I adore their used tack section. Great deals to be found. No, we didn't stop off here today.
Second stop is the library. I love the library. Be prepared, we will be here for a littel while.
Okay, we need to stop off here. The have work socks on sale for $2.99 a pair. This store is the second town.
A quick stop at Goodwill which is in the same town as Big R. I love Goodwill. You can get almost brand new clothes at a fraction of the cost of department store prices. And the money goes to a good cause. Today we got three pair of jeans and two really nice heavy sweaters all for $22.95. Another of my fav stores.
Thank you for the tour Cindy! That was great - and I love the last picture of your entrance to your ranch. Just beautiful!
What a beautiful ride and not one, but three towns! I miss Goodwill, used to have one right up the street in LA. And, yes, I love the gate and the entrance to your home.