
Sunday, October 3, 2010

This is my size

With everything going on these days I have decided this is the size of coffee cup I need to keep going.

And this is the sugar spoon.

Time for more coffee!!! :)

Until next time...........................


  1. Lol! I don't do coffee, but now that the weather's cold here, I'm going back to my hot tea! I'll have to find a bowl-sized cup to match yours!!!

  2. That's one big cup! Not a coffee drinker myself, I'd like a cup like that for my soup!

    Good Sunday to you!

  3. I have one of those flower pots, and I think they are just the cutest! Have a great week!


  4. That's a huge cup! But I can understand you need it. And the sugar. I like Fred's stash in the previous post. They are such cute little critters, I think. Have a nice Sunday.

  5. I love the colorful-ness of your cup! That would make me happy right from the get-go :)

  6. Those are the greatest things. We've got one that has a big cock on the side ( I mean Rooster)

  7. Now that's a cuppa! It would be much appreciated in our house!! Hubby could handle that amount!

  8. You just reminded me that it's time for another cuppa. Though, this time of day, it has to be decaf.

  9. Just got caught up on your blog. You sure have lots going on. I think you need a big bag of chocolate next to that big coffee cup of yours:) Loved the pics of the squirrel's storage for winter.

  10. Sorry I'm late on this one...
    LARGENESS forever!!


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